A "Denial of Service Attacks", or what is commonly known as a "DoS Attack", is an attack implemented on a computer and falls into the category of cybercrimes. One of the strategies behind this attack is that the user is denied access to a specific website or page.
In other cases, it affects the computer's memory bank, which impacts the performance of the website or service that can usually be performed on a computer. Unfortunately, such an attack can become a real inconvenience and can actually slow down businesses, which can help the perpetrator to commit computer fraud and other forms of cybercrimes.
Symptoms of a Dos attack include a computer that is running at a very slow pace, which could be a result of malware, which means that you will have to remove malware from your computer system. It is also evident if a website that is usually available becomes unavailable, if you are connected to the internet but are still unable to gain access onto any Internet site or if you receive more junk mail than you normally would.
So how would one implement such an attack? There are several ways to slow down a computer's system or Internet performance. One way to commit an attack would be for the attacker to go into the system and to reconfigure the computer's coding so that it has trouble acting out common systematic functions. Or perhaps, the attacker could physically disable the computer so it has trouble routing or connecting to other sources, which will interrupt communication.
In many cases, malware (also known as malicious software) is used to slow down certain computer systems. If this is the case, there are programs that can be used to help remove malware. In order to remove malware, you can use an anti-malware program that works in real time to scan existing files to see if any of them are considered to be contaminated or suspicious.
Once you remove malware, there should be a noticeable improvement in your computer's performance. If anyone is caught using malware, it is a Federal offense punishable by the law and considered to be one of many cybercrimes.
You may ask yourself, "Why would anyone want to perform a DoS Attack?" Well, many times it can be a personal issue. In this case, the attacker may perform a person-to-person DoS Attack in order to intentionally harm a specific individual. Perhaps an attack was performed on a cooperation or small business that the attacker found to be unethical. Whatever the case may be, a DoS Attack is one of many cybercrimes and is punishable by law