General Criminal Law

The Major Aspects of Causation

The Major Aspects of CausationCausation is defined as the relationship between a given result and the actions that have caused that result to occur. In the United States criminal justice system, the term causation refers to the actus reus.

Compensation as a Punishment

Compensation as a Punishment

Individuals who are convicted criminals have caused some type of harm, injury, or damage to another person or to another person's property. Criminals cost the Government and taxpayers millions of dollars every year. In order to catch criminals, a State must employ law enforcement officials trained in finding and apprehending dangerous offenders. The State must also establish and maintain correctional facilities in order to house individuals who pose a threat to society.
It costs hundreds of thousands of dollars for a State to house inmates and to provide criminals with the basic necessities that are needed for survival. The majority of states throughout the United States continue to maintain capital punishment, which costs each State millions more. Court trials and judicial proceedings also accumulate a great deal of financial costs.
Plus, the damage that a criminal has actually caused has not even been mentioned yet. Criminals may be responsible for thousands of dollars worth of damage as a result of their crimes. A large portion of the costs that are acquired due to the immobilization of criminals is paid by taxpayers. Therefore, in the course of their crimes offenders have produced a material debt to society.
There are many different ways in which a convicted offender may be required to pay their debt to society. The most common way is through fines. Often, an individual who is responsible for committing a crime will be required to pay a hefty fine as part of their punishment.
Another common way that a perpetrator will be required to pay their debt to society is community service. Under this setup, a criminal will often be required to take part in work or labor and they will not receive any compensation for their efforts. 
The tasks that a convict will be required to partake in may vary a great deal. They may include gardening, painting, or picking up garbage in parks or on highways. Community service may also involve volunteering at various types of shelters or for non-profit organizations.
A criminal who is taking part in community service is paying their debt to society by helping to improve the environment and the community. The actions of the criminal are now directly benefiting the community that he or she originally harmed. Community service may also provide the offender with new talents and abilities that will be productive to society once the criminal has finished their sentence.
While criminals are addressing their debt to society, they may also be required to pay their debts to their victim. In many instances, a criminal will cause damage to their victim's property. In order to compensate for this damage the offender may be required to pay restitution as part of their punishment. 
Restitution may occur when the perpetrator provides their victim with funds to replace stolen objects or to repair damaged property. In other instances, the criminal may be required to donate their time and labor to help repair the damage that they have caused.
Individuals who are responsible for criminal activities are not only responsible for a large financial burden, but also for extensive harm and damage, and therefore, they must compensate society for the destruction that they have caused. 

Is Concurrence Necessary for Criminality?

Is Concurrence Necessary for Criminality?

Criminality can not be imposed on a defendant unless a prosecutor can prove concurrence. 

A Definition of Concurrent Life Sentences

A Definition of Concurrent Life Sentences

Life sentences can be handed down in one of two ways. An individual who has committed particularly heinous offenses will usually be condemned to consecutive sentences.

A Full Guide to Actus Reus

A Full Guide to Actus Reus

In order for an individual to be convicted of a crime, many different elements of the crime must be satisfied. The most important of these elements is the actus reus. Actus reus is the action or behavior which constitutes a crime. It is the criminal activity that an offender has taken part in that has caused damage or injury to another person or to another person's property. 
For example, if an individual is being charged with assault, the actus reus would be the act of beating or physically injuring the victim. Without actus reus, a crime would not have occurred.
In order for an individual to be convicted of a crime, the prosecutor must be able to prove that the defendant is the individual who is responsible for the actus reus. The prosecutor will do this by presenting evidence to the court and by gathering testimonies from witnesses. The evidence must leave the jury without any doubt that the defendant has committed the actus reus. Otherwise, the individual who is being accused of the crime cannot be convicted and will not receive a criminal sentence. 
Actus reus is not the only essential element of a crime that must be satisfied in order for a defendant to be convicted. Mens rea is also an important and necessary aspect of any crime. In order for an individual to be convicted of a crime, mens rea must also be established. This means that the prosecutor must prove that the defendant intended and desired to take part in the criminal activity for which he or she was responsible.
In order for criminal charges to be imposed upon a defendant, both mens rea and actus reus must be present. The prosecutor must utilize information, evidence, and witness testimony in order to convince the court that the defendant possessed the mens rea and actus reus. Therefore, if an individual is responsible for causing harm or injury to another person without the intention to do so or through an accident, then the offender cannot be charged with a crime. 
Although the perpetrator may have taken part in behavior that was detrimental to another person, the offender did not have the intention to cause harm and may have not possessed the knowledge that his or her behavior was illegal or potentially dangerous.
Requiring both mens rea and actus reus to be present assists in preventing innocent individuals or offenders who do not deserve harsh sentences from becoming convicted criminals required to serve long and severe criminal sentences. Thus, both mens rea and actus reus are of great importance when dealing with crimes.

The Purpose of a Criminal Defense

The Purpose of a Criminal Defense

The outcome of a criminal law case will have an extremely large effect on the defendant that is being accused of violating the law. Therefore, it is essential that the accused hire a successful criminal defense lawyer that will effectively represent them in court and defend them against charges of criminality.
Criminal defense attorneys are responsible for nullifying any accusations made by the prosecution through the use of evidence and witness testimony. Therefore, the primary and most essential focus of criminal defense attorneys is to develop a successful criminal defense. They may do this by attempting to prove that the defendant is not responsible for the crime in question.
As long as the defendant has pleaded “not guilty” to the crime of which he or she is accused, then they will be required to prove their client’s innocence or to counter the accusations of the prosecution with convincing arguments. 
Criminal defense attorneys may accomplish this by disproving the motive for the crime or by explaining that the evidence available is not sufficient enough to convict their client. In the ideal situation, criminal defense attorneys will be able to offer the court enough evidence and information to provide the jury with reasonable doubt. 

Death Penalty

Death Penalty

Throughout a large portion of history, torture was often associated with capital punishment. In ancient and medieval times, rulers created horrific methods of execution in order to ensure that their victims suffered a great deal while dying. Often these methods of murder were used as a means of entertainment for the ruler and spectators, and the death penalty was often exacted as a result of minor crimes or on the whim of the ruler.
Some of the common methods of killing a victim were decapitation, burning, and crucifixion. More appalling methods of execution were impalement, disembowelment, flaying, the breaking wheel, boiling, and necklacing. Many of these execution methods took an extremely long time to kill their victim.
Today, some of these methods are still practiced in underdeveloped countries or nations without a stable government. In the United States, capital punishment is rarely used, and when it is, it follows a long judicial process.

A Quick Explanation of Criminal Law

A Quick Explanation of Criminal LawCriminal law is the portion of law, legislation, and legal practice that deals with illegal activity and the punishment of crimes. However, criminal sentences often border on forms of cruel and unusual punishment. Although criminal law is a very important and essential body of law, there are still many inherent problems and concerns that need to be addressed

A Look at Minimum Sentences

A Look at Minimum Sentences

In the 1980s, the United States Federal Government acknowledged the increasing rate of crime and understood the necessity of addressing the high rates of criminal activity throughout the nation. In order to help decrease the rate of crime and to deter individuals from taking part in criminal activity, the Federal Government established sentencing guidelines and Constitutional minimum sentences. 
Because of these guidelines and mandatory sentences, an individual who is tried in a criminal court for committing a certain crime will be required to serve a designated sentence. The judge will not be permitted to utilize his or her discretion or to consider factors specific to each defendant when imposing a sentence upon a convicted criminal. Therefore, many people believe that mandatory minimum sentences are not Constitutional.
Minimum sentences do not provide judges with the ability to take into consideration the morals and the history of the defendant. In many cases, when an offender is tried in criminal court, a judge, under the doctrine of judicial discretion, may determine the defendant’s sentence. Without the ability to exercise discretion, sentences may be handed out that result in the defendant being incarcerated for life with no chance of parole for a crime that they committed before they were sixteen years old. 
Noting the previous pattern, this may be the same sentence that is being carried out by an adult who is responsible for killing multiple victims. Because of this, many people feel that imposing mandatory sentences on individuals who are being tried in criminal court is a violation of the Constitution, and it often results in unusual and cruel criminal punishments.

The Purpose of Criminal Defense Attorneys

The Purpose of Criminal Defense Attorneys

If an individual is facing criminal charges for violating the law, they should enlist the help of a criminal defense attorney. Criminal defense attorneys are responsible for developing convincing and effective criminal defenses for their clients. They will be required to convince a jury that their client is not responsible for the crime in question. If there is sufficient evidence to prove the defendant’s guilt, then a criminal defense attorney must employ special defenses to convince the jury that his or her client is not or cannot be held accountable for the crime of which he or she is accused.
If an individual is involved in a criminal case and they cannot afford to hire a criminal defense attorney, then they may be qualified to receive a court-appointed attorney. However, court-appointed criminal defense attorneys are generally unprepared to successfully handle a criminal case. In most cases, these court-appointed attorneys are paid very little to work very long hours, and thus, they are naturally rarely successful in adequately defending their clients.
Thousands of criminal defense attorneys are located throughout the United States and so it should not be difficult to find one near one’s location. Experienced criminal defense attorneys will be effective and successful in negating or decreasing their client’s criminal liability. As a result, the defendant will not be convicted of a crime, or they will receive a less severe sentence than they would have without the assistance of a criminal defense attorney.
A criminal defense attorney takes on many different roles throughout the legal process. Obviously, criminal defense attorneys are responsible for defending their client. However, they have many other important responsibilities and they take part in various essential processes. These lawyers engage in a great deal of negotiation with the prosecutor in order to decrease the severity of the criminal charges that the defendant will face, as well as to lighten the sentence that they stand to receive as a result of their actions.
A criminal defense attorney will also be able to provide his or her client with a realistic opinion about their future, as well as the severity and the reality of their case. They will be able to supply the defendant with valuable insight into the best course of action to take and will know the consequences of certain actions and behaviors. They will also fully understand all of the aspects of a criminal case with which a defendant would not be familiar if they chose to represent themselves.

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